"Yentele. Like a cry, the word embraces a writing."

"A dialogue between raw textile material and pictorial gesture."

- Cécile Vaiarelli


"At the beginning, there is the canvas. A simple weave (...) The flaw in the piece of old linen is the starting point for each work (...) It is about covering with paint and then embroidery, in the manner of a palimpsest, those manuscripts made of parchment whose inscriptions are erased to be written again."

- Cécile Vaiarelli


"Why old linen? Old linen speaks to me. It has its history, which I don't know, its touch, its material, its weaving. Raw. Its traces, its humanity. It is a parchment to read, reread, rewrite. It could also be stretched on a frame. Not stretching it allows it to retain its nomadism. My work is nomadic. An arte povera that can be carried away, rolled up."


"I don't think in terms of drawing but of thickness, roughness, opacity, density. The fabric absorbs the paint, the brush catches the fabric. A new writing is fixed on an old writing, marked by time, rust, discoloration."

- Yentele


Yentele lives and works between Paris and Charente.