Jean Grisoni, willingly defines himself as a "multidisciplinary visual artist", experimental and experienced, "totally self-taught".


Coming from the world of image, particularly in the luxury and cultural worlds, he has devoted himself exclusively for the last ten years to the creation and production of "artist's furniture" after having worked for a long time in the realization of "artist's jewelry", unique pieces or as a creator for major brands.


Today, bronze is the essential material of his work, to which he adds marble, wood, concrete, steel, silver, leather or braiding...

Nevertheless, he continues to create a few rare pieces of jewelry for initiated collectors, and hammers solid silver to produce unique pieces of table art.

It is thanks to these associations and contrasts that he will develop his aesthetic attached to radical, pure and essential forms.


Jean Grisoni makes all the "master models" from his workshop in the Paris region, using scale 1 constructions in wood, plaster, metal or clay. 

Then when the bronzes come back from the foundry, he ensures the transformation, the assembly and the finishing, to finalize the object. 

A workshop man and sensitive to the tool that extends the hand, it is in contact with the material that he blossoms. It is often the textures that dictate the shapes in the service of the function...


His work is essentially made up of unique pieces or very small series. He willingly works in collaboration with designers, interior architects or gallery owners.  He considers that the exchange is the basis of all enrichment.


He draws, experiments, hammers, cuts, deforms, transforms, staples, oxidizes, polishes, builds and plays permanently to make "differently"...


Jean Grisoni's inspiration is mainly drawn from his native Mediterranean, without however seeking a systematic reinterpretation of the styles and history of this basin with its founding culture... 

It is thanks to a diffuse and intuitive feeling that he will adopt a posture of "Mediterranean creativity"...

The vectors of this inspiring state will be made of lights, materials, sounds, rhythms, perfumes and so particular atmospheres.

And then, the Sea...


He likes to reveal the wild refinement of the people of the Mediterranean from these austere lands and the weight of history.

A rough, radical, minimal, classic style... 

Jean Grisoni calls it: "Poetic Brutality".